Page 15 - Tropic Magazine Issue 22
P. 15


                                                                                              doing your laundry could be if you are not  prepared or have a camera ready!  MORE: @marcartphotocreations    on Instagram  Model: Sandra Schmidt  Instagram: @soulful_siren Makeup and Styling:  Sandra Schmidt

          Scene Around   Tropic profiiles an amazing image from the Tropical North

                                                                                              I love this shot because: What to do when  you have an hour to kill...either you are on  your phone or you’d take a book to read. Not  in Sandra’s case as the washing machine was    still warm from a previous user and with her  only wearing lingerie, it was the best place    to warm up. Jokes was all set up and this is  just a humorous showcase of how boring

                                                                                              softer tone of light but the results ended up  more favourable for that shoot at the end.  The second challenge was to have Sandra at  a public location in lingerie at a reasonably  busy laundrette. We asked for permission to  shoot first and had to “warn”   the public to what was going on. A guy  promised to come back every Thursday    now to do his laundry!

                                                                                              Location: Laundromat on Reservoir Rd Challenges of the shoot: Two actually. I  rarely shoot on location or during the day  time as I am more of a studio photographer.  I love my strobes (studio flash lights) as I  find it easier to set a mood with those stark  artificial lights. So, using natural light was  the challenge. That Thursday the weather  was overcast and it presented m

       Scene Around Q&A Photographer Marc Steiner

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