Page 10 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
P. 10


           In Season

           Tropic’s local guide to the best of   leaf stalk that thinks it’s a leaf. Confused?   contribution to the local environment
                                            If you take a close look at one of these
                                                                             indeed. Add the fact that wattles are
           nature this April and May.       ‘not-leaves’ you’ll notice that there is no   excellent carbon sequesterers, and you
                                            central vein, but a number of parallel ones   have to admit that they are amazing.
           Words: Nicky Horstmann
                                            instead. Definitely not a leaf!
                                            Whilst there are many ways of
           The end of the Wet season is                                      RED-TAILED VISITORS
           approaching… can we sit back and expect   differentiating between these two species   Birds
           months of perfect tropical weather? Or   of black wattles, the easiest is to wait until
           remain on the rollercoaster of hot-and-  they produce pods next spring. The ear   Have you ever noticed that small
                                                                             flock of Red-Tailed Black-Cockatoos
           steamy followed by hot-and-wet for a   leaf’s pods start out flat and then twist   (Calyptorhynchus banksii macrorhynchus)
           little longer? Will the weird behaviours   into spiral shapes as they mature, whereas
           exhibited by our flora and fauna over the   the sally’s pod start out tightly coiled and   that like to perch on the street lights
                                                                             outside Cazaly’s? One of our larger
           last few months continue? In particular,   remain that way. I should mention that
           will our laundry frog still seek a cooling   neither of these species produce the highly   parrots, these magnificent birds wing
                                                                             their way effortlessly overhead in search
           night time swim in our toilet? Life in the   prized culinary wattle seed.   of some tasty treats (perhaps even wattle
           tropics is not as simple as it seems…  You will generally find these trees growing
                                            and thriving in areas with poorer soil   seeds) and aren’t shy about announcing
                                            as acacias are legumes and their roots   their presence with their repetitious
                                            develop nodules containing bacteria that   metallic ‘kreee kreee’ call. The male of
                                            can harvest atmospheric nitrogen for the   this species has the really red tail, while
                                            soil. Once fixed in the soil, the nitrogen   the females and teenagers have a barred
                                            compounds are also shared with some   orange effect on theirs along with an all
                                            of the surrounding plants. At the same   over sprinkling of yellow speckles. More
                                            time, the extensive root systems help   often found in drier country, these very
                                            stabilise the surrounding soil, reducing   welcome visitors never fail to bring a
                                            and/or preventing erosion. Not a bad   smile to my face.
           SIGNATURE VARIETY                                                 delights of a locally-grown pomelo
           Trees                              RUSTY’S MARKETS                (pummelo). Rusty’s will present
           There’s no doubt one of Australia’s   Pomelo plunge               plenty of opportunities to do so as
           signature tree varieties is the wattle or   If you haven’t yet taken the plunge,   this ancient citrus variety comes
           Acacia. Our continent is home to around   now is the time to dive into the   into season. Don’t be deceived
           1000 species and wattle forests are the                           by their grapefruit-on-steroids
           second most common forest in this                                 appearance - pomelos are generally
           vast land. A number of locally occurring                          sweeter. Some types are drier and
           species will start flowering over the next                        crunchy, while others are juicier.
           couple of months and, while we take                               Some have pink flesh, some have
           the time to appreciate their beauty, we                           white. All you need is a little time,
           should also remind ourselves of the other                         a sharp knife and a chopping board
           contributions these trees make.                                   to remove all the skin, pith and
           Two such species are both commonly                                membranes. Store the liberated fruit
           known as Black Wattles. One is Acacia                             in the fridge and, voila, you have a
           auriculiformis or the Ear Leaf (or ear pod)                       healthy and refreshing snack.
           acacia. The other is Acacia mangium or
           the Broadleaved Salwood, sometimes
           shortened to the Sally Wattle. Both have                           1.  Red-Tailed Black-Cockatoo
           cream to yellow spike-shaped, fragrant                              (Calyptorhynchus banksii)
                                                                              2. Ear Leaf acacia ( Acacia auriculiformis)
           flowers as well as the typical wattle leaf
           that’s not a leaf but actually an enlarged

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