7 ways residents of the Tropics lose their sh*t when winter arrives

We've all bragged about winter in paradise. The promise of months on end of sunny days and cool nights is the reason we all live in Tropical North Queensland.

And yet when the mercury after a long hot summer actually drops, we're a bit startled and a little unprepared.

For anyone who's experienced the change in seasons in Tropical North Queensland, this list's for you.

1. You get SO excited

After a sticky, long, hot, wet monsoon season we welcome temperatures in the 20s with song and celebration because life is suddenly comfortable again!

2. Thongs and bare feet are cast aside

You begin rocking the winter wardrobes you had 20 years ago, when you actually lived somewhere cold. That’s if any of your leather shoes have survived the summer humidity.

3. Every second sentence is, “oh my god it’s freezing!”

You’re marvelling more than complaining because every year it comes as a surprise when the mercury drops. But don’t worry, your neighbours, work colleagues, friends and family are joining right in with you.

4. You cry because you forgot to press the hot water booster

For the first time in ages you’re actually looking forward to a hot shower…and there’s no hot water! It’s a bit of a shock when the sun’s not hot enough to heat the solar hot water system and you need to hit the little button.

5. You lap up the cool breeze coming through the windows and floors

The temperature’s reached that sweet spot where you can turn off the air con and fans and open the windows wide. Plus, the air’s got that freshness about it and you’re snorting it in like it’s a drug.

6. Your doonas are getting dragged around the house

Not only have the quilts made it out of the linen cupboard, but everyone’s dragging them to the couch, the dining table, even the bathroom! Dressing gowns would probably do the trick but you just don’t have one.

7. You get a little defensive (and proud!) because Southerners are scoffing

Yeah, you know a maximum temp of 23 is summer in other places. But you’ve acclimatised so it feels like 13! 

Did we miss something in our list? Let us know by clicking here.

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