'Large' reptile reported in surf at popular swimming spot

UPDATE 9.30AM2 26/9: Trinity Beach is open to swimmers again.
Earlier, Trinity Beach was closed to swimmers yesterday afternoon after reports of a 'large' crocodile in the surf at the southern end of the popular beach.
The beach stayed closed overnight with a surf life saving Queensland spokesman saying lifeguards would conduct a routine inspection the beach tomorrow before deciding whether it will be re-opened.
The sighting at Trinity Beach comes after Port Douglas' iconic Four Mile Beach was closed in August when a 4 metre saltwater croc was spotted in the surf.
The following services will be held in TNQ:
Cairns NPRD Memorial Service: Cairns Regional Council, Spence Street, Cairns, starting at 10am.
Cassowary Coast Memorial Service and March: Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church, Rankin Street, Innisfail, starting at 10am.
Mossman / Port Douglas Memorial Service: St Augustine’s Catholic Church, Grogan Street, Mossman, starting at 10am.
Tablelands Memorial Service and March: Abundant Life Church, Walsh Street, Mareeba, starting at 10am.
Thursday Island Memorial Service and Vigil: St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Douglas Street, Thursday Island, starting at 10am.
Weipa Memorial Service: St Luke’s Church, Central Avenue, Weipa, starting at 10am.
The Queensland Police Service’s record of deceased officers is split into three lists, all of officers on the lists died while on duty between 1859 and 2013.